Late Nights
Late Nights
I cannot sleep and the lamp light shines just for me between the hours of 3 to 4:30 in the morning.
The world can be only more colorful when I arrive at unknown destinations. But only if I struggle with doubt and overcome it through my own will. To be beyond all within my mind that attempts to seduce me with reason, to stay where it’s warm and familiar, no matter how bleak or repetitive the days which fall into each other ad infinitum.
The subtle convincing whispers continue until it’s a vibrant chorus that screams, “Go back—-you’re making a mistake. You’re a fool to try. The dangling desire before you is an illusion and attempting to attain it will only lead to disappointment.”
To have your own mind betray you by using pure reason is a disservice to ones own ambitions and only the few that recognize it are aware but do it anyways.
The key is to be valiant, which is why not many push through the boundaries of their own existence. Beyond the possibilities that can be willed to come to fruition.
The endurance of tension allows for the most pleasurable release. But only if you can swallow all that comes with it.
If pain and pleasure are the fundamental parts of the natural world, then you have two choices.
To live in painful comfort or to be in pleasurable malaise.